Software Engineer

Software Engineer – TechMahindra Ltd                                                                               October 2010 – November 2013

Analyzed and processed production data of over 60 million records using SQL and PLSQL

Performed Data Analysis on Oracle 11g database for Siebel CRM using SQL and Excel

Automated scripts in data load and data migration processes saving 3 hours of entire team per day
Executed deployments on both Productions and Test environments of Siebel CRM comprising of 8 servers
Designed technical documents and user journey diagrams for over 20 different processes on Siebel CRM

Project Manager’s Feedback :

“Hi Rohan, Well Done !!! You are always responding promptly in critical situations and making ASG job very simple. It is a big achievement for ASG. The major Remedy tickets which are coming on “Install assets not populating “ are drastically reduced because of the changes you have done in FLIP-FLOP mode of AXION Job. Once again keep it up. Keep up the Hard work”

“Well Done Rohan…You making our application support easier by implementing / updating different automation scripts on production. Great job, Keep it up”




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